
Numbers of Korean Search Engine NAVER(2007 vs 2010)

As you may know, NAVER(www.naver.com) is the most popular search portal sharing about 70%
at Korean search market.
I have kept the concerned data from Nov. of 2007 and then re-sourced the current one from http://story.naver.com
as follows,
(Note: 2007 VS 2010)
▶Naver members: 28,000,000 33,000,000
▶Daily visitors: 16,000,000 17,000,000
▶Daily page view: 1,000,000,000 1,000,000,000
▶Daily search visitors: 11,000,000 12,000,000
▶Daily search PV: 190,000,000 190,000,000
▶Daily search numbers: - 130,000,000

▶Cafe(forum) numbers: 3,500,000 5,100,000
▶Daily cafe visitors: 5,300,000 6,300,000
▶Daily cafe PV: 160,000,000 170,000,000
▶Daily cafe creation: 6,500 7,000
▶Cafe members: - 22,450,000

▶Active blogs: 10,000,000 16,000,000
▶Daily blog visitors: 6,200,000 7,000,000
▶Daily blog PV: 100,000,000 110,000,000
▶Daily blog creation: 20,000 15,000

▶Junior Naver members: 5,500,000 4,000,000
▶Daily junior Naver visitors: 1,800,000 1,400,000
▶Daily Junior Naver PV: 170,000,000 140,000,000

For your reference, the Naver directory submission fee was changed with free.
The 2nd largest DAUM was done,too.
If you need my support in this matter, feel free to contact me. (www.seoinkorea.com)

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